
About İSAM Publications

İSAM Publications, which was established in 2005 in order to make İSAM’s activities and products available to readers, has since come to showcase the importance the center attaches to science, culture, and publishing. The goal of İSAM Publications is to contribute to the world of science and ideas through publications that comply with scholarly-academic standards, and to present accurate and reliable information produced through meticulous studies with unique contents and design.

Within the framework of the center’s objectives, İSAM Publications publishes encyclopedias, original books, edited editions, dictionaries and lexicons, peer-reviewed academic journals, and publication catalogs that announce the works in the pipeline. Thus, the publishing house aims to contribute to the world of scholarship and researchers by increasing the number of qualified scholarly publications in Türkiye and around the world, and making reliable and standardized editions of classical works accessible. İSAM Publications fulfills the requirements of being an “international publishing house.”

Starting its publishing life with the Encyclopedia of Islam of the Diyanet Foundation of Türkiye, İSAM first stepped into the publishing world by publishing selected doctoral dissertations in the fields of theology and social sciences, especially the dissertations of the researchers it has trained, Arabic critical editions, and facsimiles, since 1992.

The Editorial Board, which was established in 2005 under the chairmanship of İbrahim Kalın under the name of “Editorial Desk,” started its institutional journey by publishing both scholarly research works within the framework of institutional projects and books that appeal to the general readership. Since its establishment, the Editorial Board, which has been chaired by the likes of İbrahim Kalın (January 2005-April 2006), Seyfi Kenan (April 2006-June 2009), Ömer Türker (June 2009-May 2012), and M. Suat Mertoğlu (June 2012-June 2023), continues its activities under the chairmanship of Mürteza Bedir as of June 2023.

The works submitted to İSAM for publication or planned and ordered by the institution are first subjected to the academic evaluation and peer-reviewing processes. In particular, in order for theses to be modified from the thesis format and published in book form, the contribution of a scholarly reviewer and a text development editor is offered; meticulous reading and reporting are carried out during the preliminary examination, reviewing, and text development phases of the work. Following the acceptance of the finalized work by the Editorial Board, the spelling expert applies the İSAM spelling rules to the file, and the footnote and bibliography sections are checked and corrected by the bibliography team. The book, which goes through the processes of style reading, proofreading, final reading, and indexing, is presented to the readers with an aesthetic and legible design.

Through the multi-author compilations that İSAM has planned and brought to the publishing world, especially in the last decade, İSAM has published compilations of original and research-based articles on branches of science, subjects, or scholars that are difficult to be covered in-depth by a single author/researcher, written for the first time by at least 10 scholars, sometimes more than 20, within the framework of the planning of a book/project editor determined by the İSAM Editorial Board.

As of the end of 2023, the number of works published under the titles of the Prestige Works Series, Basic Culture Series, Classical Works Series, Academic Work Series, and Reference Works Series amounts to 256.

The works prepared for publication within the framework of the Early Classical Period and Late Classical Period projects carried out by İSAM, which include the publication of classical works that have become part of the history of Islamic science and thought, as well as different encyclopedia projects, are produced and presented to the reader under the brand of İSAM Publications in different genres such as encyclopedias, dictionaries, guides, single-author and multi-author (edited/collected) original works, edited editions, and facsimiles, and in different formats such as pocket size, academic size, large size, paperback, hard cover, and prestige publications.

The majority of these works, of which the production and preparation stages are carried out by İSAM , are published by the Publication Printing Enterprise under the branding of “İSAM Publications” within the body of the Türkiye Diyanet Foundation Publications. The printing, distribution, and sales services are also carried out by this enterprise. Some of the works produced by İSAM are published as “joint publications” within the framework of protocols signed with the Presidency of Religious Affairs, Istanbul 29 Mayıs University, and the Manuscripts Authority in Turkey, with distinguished and experienced publishers and institutions abroad, and are made available to readers and researchers around the world.

For information and communication : yayin@isam.org.tr

Updated at August 14, 2024