İlyas Üzüm

Ilyas Uzum was born in Afyon on 1961. He graduated in Marmara University Faculty of Theology (1983). In the same university Institute of Social Sciences, he accomplished his post-graduate which is named  “Celâleddin ed‑Devvânî ve er-Risâle fî mes’eleti halkı’l-a‘mâl Adlı Eseri (edisyon kritik)” and then he completed his doctorate which is named “İnanç Esasları Açısından Türkiye’de Ca‘ferîlik” (1994). He was a associate professor on 2002. He was pointed who a professor in Marmara University Faculty of Theology on 2013. He retaired on 2016. 

Works that Authored Chapter

Contributions as Consultative Committee Members

Updated at March 19, 2024