
Mehmed Rifat Efendi’nin Nefhatü’r-Riyâzi’l-Âliye’sinde Abdülkādir-i Geylânî ve Kādirîlik I-II

Abdul Qādir Gīlānī is a Sufi master of “wisdom”, and “the path” descending down from the Prophet is based on acquiring “esoteric and exoteric knowledge”. Besides Abdul Qādir Gīlānī, the founder of the Qādirī path, that has come down to our day through an unbroken chain, Eşrefoğlu Rumī and İsmail Rumī who represent his path in Anatolian land, have affected the Anatolian culture.

M. Rifat Efendi, who is a Qādirī-Eshrefī sheikh, tald about the foundation and spread of Qādirī order from XII. to XIX. century in his book Nafkhat al-Riyaḍ al-‘Aliyya,. The book contains parts of his life story, Qādirī sheikhs’ lineages, their life stories as well as a list of Qādirī lodges in various parts of the world. The importance of the work stems from its extent: It includes many subjects about the Qādirī path such as founders, sheikhs, their khalifas, dervishes, the places where ceremonies held (lodges, mosques), their rules and customs etc. Moreover, the book is a source of information for the life stories of many well-known Sufis.

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Updated at March 13, 2024