
al-Ghuraf al-ʿAliyye fī Terācim Muteʾaḫḫir al-Ḥanefiyya, I-III

al-Ghuraf al-‘aliyye is an important biographical work of Shems al-din ibn Tūlūn, a Mamluk period scholar and historian who lived in the 10th (16th) century. Ibn Tūlūn wrote this study as an addendum to Jawahir al-mudiyye fi tabakat al-Hanefiyya, which belongs to Abd al-kādir al-Qureshi, the most famous tabaqat work of the Hanafi sect. The author eliminated the missing information in the biographies compiled by al-Qureshi and added the biographies of Hanafi jurists who were not included in his work because they lived in the same age or after him.

The text was edited by Ali es-Seyyid Abdullatif from "the author's copy" as a master's thesis in 2015, was prepared for publication by the Centre for Islamic Studies (ISAM) after a long and meticulous study. In this context, the text was proofread by Mehmet Fatih Kaya. In addition, researchers of the Centre for Islamic Studies contributed to the study and added various indexes to provide convenience to the readers. This biographical work, which is an important source especially for legal history studies, has been presented to the benefit of the reader with an elaborate design.

Turkish edition and domestic distribution of the work is made by Türkiye Diyanet Foundation Publications, publication and distribution abroad is made by Dar al-reyâhîn (Darulrayaheen) publishing house in Beirut.

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Updated at March 19, 2024