
Cüveynî’nin Kıyas Anlayışı

The book titled Cüveynî’nin Kıyas Anlayışı (al-Juwaynī’s Understanding of Analogy), written by Assist. Prof. M. Macit Sevgili, was published among the Scientific Research Series as part of ISAM’s Early Classical Period Project. The book compiles Imam al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī’s (d. 478/1085) views on analogy (qiyas) found in his different works. Imam al-Ḥaramayn al-Juwaynī’ (d. 478/1085), who had an advanced rational personality, was one of the leading scholars who shaped Islamic thought with his distinguished books, competent students, original views, unique findings and different perspectives.

In al-Burhān, which is al-Juwaynī’s one of the most important works written based on mutakallimīn style and also known as the “riddle of the ummah” due to the complexity of its style, the field that al-Juwaynī deals with in the most comprehensive way and reflects its rational side is analogy (qiyas). With his innovations and contributions to the thought of maqāsid in the context of qiyas and ta‘līl, Al-Juwaynī became a pioneer of a line traced in the history of maqāsid and was among the founding theorists of this thought. He followed the line of Imam Shafi‘i (d. 204/820) in his quest for a balance between the breadth of the interpretation based on public benefits (maṣlaḥa) and the narrowness of the literal interpretation. Although al-Juwaynī generally followed Imam Shafi‘i’s doctrine, he presented his own unique approaches in many subjects, especially in qiyas. The book covers the famous Shafi‘ī jurist/methodologist and an Ash’arī theologian al-Juwaynī’s (d. 478/1085) approach, evaluation, interpretation, analysis, findings, inferences and speculations regarding analogy (qiyas).

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Updated at March 13, 2024