
al-Kifāya fi al-hidāya is known as a valuable book among the sources of Maturidiyya School. al-Kifāya fi al-hidāya is regarded as the third most important book of the School after especially the founder of Maturidiyya School Abū Manṣūr al-Māturīdī’s book Kitāb al-Tawḥīd and Abū al-Mu’īn al-Nasafī’s Tabṣirat al-adilla. When the terms and concepts of the book are examined, it is seen that it sometimes explains the elusive terms found in Kitāb al-Tawḥīd and sometimes introduces and explains the detailed phrases found in Tabṣirat al-adilla in a more comprehensible and brief form.

This published book is also considered as an important reference book in terms of transmitting the views of many past and contemporary theologians and scholars of other schools. Because the period in which the author lived was in a way the pinnacle in the history of the history of Islamic theology. The debates with Mutazilites particularly attract the attention. On the other hand, even though Asharites’ views are criticized from place to place, the common points of the views are also pointed out. 

The first edition of the work was published by Dar Ibn Hazm in Beirut, in 2013. The second edition was published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs Publications in Istanbul, in 2019.


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Updated at March 27, 2024