
al-Muntaqā min Iṣmat al-Anbiyāʾ

A Maṭuridī theologian from Bukhara Nūr al-dīn al-Sābūnī’s (d. 580/1184) book titled al-Muntakā min iṣmat al-anbiyā occupies an important place in the genre concentrating on the attributes of the prophets especially the attribute of innocence (sinlessness).

Al-Sābūnī wrote his book as an abridged form of Abu al-Husayn Muḥammad b. Yaḥyā al-Bashāghārī’s (IV/X century) Kashf al-ghawāmiz fī aḥwāl al-anbiyā, which is famous by the title Iṣmat al-anbiyā. The book, which is written in Arabic and in a way an exegesis and explanation of the Qur’anic verses related to the prophets is the most comprehensive work written so far on the attribute of the prophets’ “iṣmah”.  

The first edition of the work was published by Dar Ibn Hazm in Beirut, in 2013. The second edition was published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs Publications in Istanbul, in 2019.


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Updated at March 27, 2024