
Cāmiʿ al-Usūl fī Bayān al-Qawā‘id al-Ḥanafīyya ve al-Shāfiʿiyya fi Usūl al-Fiqh, I-II

Al-Samarqandī’s work is an usūl al-fiqh book, analyzing usūl views of the Hanafī and Shāfiʿī madhhabs comparatively. Containing almost all the subjects of the usūl al-fiqh, the author followed in the book, Fakhr al-Dīn al-Rāzī’s order of subjects in his works of al-Mahsūl and al-Maʿālim. In his views on usūl he preferred the views of scholars of Samarqand such as Abū Mansūr al-Māturīdi. Nearly in every subject, views of Hanafī and Shāfiʿī scholars are compared side by side although occasionally views of other scholars from different madhhabs are included.

TDV Publications is responsible for the publication and distribution of the work within Turkey while Darulrayaheen Publications in Beirut is responsible for the publication and distribution abroad.


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Updated at March 19, 2024