
Ḥāshiyat ʿAlī al-Kushjī ʿalā Sharḥ al-Kashshāf lī al-Taftāzānī

ʿAlī Kushjī’s (d. 879/1474) commentary on Taftāzānī’s book about (d. 792/1390) al-Zamakhsharī’s (d. 538/1144) Qur’anic exegesis al-Kashshāf is critically edited by Prof. Mehmet Çiçek and published within the scope of “Late Classical Period Project”.

al-Zamakhsharī’s al-Kashshāf is one of the most influential linguistic works which had a profound impact on the following works and created a new tradition. More than 300 commentaries and exegesis had been written about al-Kashshāf. Taftāzānī’s al-Kashshāf exegesis is one of the finest and most important examples of the exegesis-commentary tradition. After that al-Sayyid al-Sharīf al-Jurjānī’s (d. 816/1413) critical commentary on Taftāzānī’s work, accelerated the formation of exegesis-commentary tradition. Most of the following exegeses are influenced by these two works and almost all the commentaries are written on these two exegeses. The authors of these commentaries are divided between al-Taftāzānī and al-Jurjānī though some authors assumed the position of arbitration.

Ḥāshiyat ʿAlī al-Kushjī ʿalā Sharḥ al-Kashshāf lī al-Taftāzānī is one of the earliest examples of the commentary literature on al-Taftāzānī’s exegesis. ʿAlī Kushjī prepared a commentary on al-Taftāzānī’s exegesis from muqaddima section to Sūrat al-Baqara’s second āyat and tried to provide answers to Jurjānī’s criticisms. 


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Updated at March 19, 2024