
Osmanlı İdare ve Ekonomi Tarihi

Halil İnalcık, one of the leading Turkish historians, wrote original books dealing with all periods of Ottoman history in his seventy-year long academic life, and produced remarkable studies in the fields that require expertise in various areas such as political history, history of institutions, economics and legal history.

The book in your hands is a compilation of İnalcık’s articles on Ottoman administration and economic history published in the TDV Encyclopedia of Islam. The book, which consists of three parts as state, provincial administration, finance and economy, examines the general structure of Ottoman customary law, the edicts of justice issued by the Ottoman sultans to ensure justice, and the Ottoman administrative, financial and economic structure. The writings of Halil İnalcık, who is one of the prominent names of Ottoman studies, are an indispensable source in regards to illuminating the Ottoman institutional structure.

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Updated at March 12, 2024