
Bir Osmanlı Fakihi: İbn Âbidîn

The nature of the decision-making procedure of Ibn Abidin and the role of the criteria for issuing fatwas in this procedure are critical steps that will provide significant data on the functioning of the madhhab. Because he is one of the most important representatives of the Hanafi madhhab in the contemporary period, Ibn Abidin's fiqh activity also represents the final point of the intra-sectarian functioning of the Hanafi madhhab. On the other hand, the fact that Ibn Abidin lived just before the modern period when the discussions of imitation and ijtihad started to intensify is of particular importance from the perspective of the history of fiqh. This study deals with the fiqh activity of Ibn Abidin as a sectarian jurist within the framework of his annotation called Radd al-mukhtar, which is one of his most significant works.

The work titled Ibn ‘Ābidīn: An Ottoman Jurist was written by Mustafa Ateş and published by TDV Centre for Islamic Studies (ISAM) within the scope of the Late Classical Period Project.

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Updated at March 13, 2024