
İzhârü’l-Hak, I-II

Iẓḥār al-Ḥaqq which occupies an important place among the works written by Muslim scholars as refutation to Christianity was penned by Rahmatullah al-Hindī who became famous after his scholarly debate with missionary Pfander in 1854. The book written upon Ottoman Sultan Abdulaziz’s request deals with various issues such as the state of Old and New Testament, distortions in Torah and Gospels, the existence of abrogation in Judaism and Christianity, the impossibility of trinity based on rational proofs and the Prophet Jesus’ sayings, the Holy Qur’an as the word of God and its miraculous character, refutation of the priests’ criticisms and doubts against the Qur’an ad the sayings of the Prophet Muhammad, prophethood of Muhammad and glad tidings found in the Old and New Testaments in this regard.

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Updated at March 19, 2024