
Kitāb al-Qawā‘id al-Kulliyya fī Jumlatin min al-Funūn al-‘Ilmiyya: al-Manṭıḳ - ‘Ilm al-Khilaf - Uṣūl al-Fiqh - Uṣūl al-Dīn

Published within the framework of the Late Classical Project, this book was written by Shams al-dīn Muhammed b. Mahmūd al-Isfahānī (d. 688/1289) to prepare compendia (mukhtasars) for students in logic, ilm al khilaf, usul al-Fiqh and usul al-Din. Student of al-Abhari, the author of Isagoge, al-Isfahānī benefited from his teacher’s work in logic and put out a finer, improved text. As for the ilm al khilaf section, he followed Amīdī’s method and made use of his students’ works. Section on usul al-Fiqh is like an abridgement of Rāzi’s Mahsūl with some modifications. Although Al-Isfahānī mentions many of Rāzi’s thought, he criticizes his opinions from time to time. In the section on usul al-Din, the author handles the subjects as an Ash`ari kalam scholar and uses the tahqiq method that Rāzi developed.

The first edition of the work was simultaneously published in Beirut by Dar Ibn Hazm as its Istanbul edition. The second edition was published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs in Istanbul in 2019.  

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Updated at March 27, 2024