
Lawāmi‘ al-Burḥān wa Qawāṭi‘ al-Bayān fī Ma’āni al-Qur’ân, I-II

Because the Holy Qur’an was revealed as an Arabic book, Qur’anic exegeses with an emphasis on linguistic aspects were needed in order to provide correct understanding of the wordings of the Qur’an especially after the conversion of the people from non-Arab communities to Islam. Such exegeses which usually had titles such as “Ma’āni al-Qur’ân”, “Gharīb al-Qur’an” and “I‘rāb al-Qur’ān” examined the verses of the Qur’an from linguistic, grammar, syntax, morphological, and rhetorical aspects. Some paid more attention to grammar, some others to linguistics, while some others to both.

Abu al-Faẓāil al-Mu’inī’s (d. 537/1143) Lawāmi‘ al-burḥān wa qawāṭi‘ al-bayān fī ma’āni al-Qur’ân is an exegesis from the genre of ma’āni al-Qur’an which paid attention to lingusitical aspects. Even though it is a brief work, it provides many valuable information related to the original meanings of the phrases found in the Qur’an as well as the views of the earlier scholars regarding the meanings of the words of the Qur’an. It also consists of theological, legal, and Sufi information. 

The first edition of the work was published by Dar Ibn Hazm in Beirut, in 2013. The second edition was published by the Presidency of Religious Affairs Publications in Istanbul, in 2019.

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Updated at March 27, 2024