
Salāmat al-Insān fī Mukhāfaẓat al-Lisān

Selāmetul insān fī muḥāfaẓatil lisan, written by 18th century Ottoman scholar Kazasker Mirzazāde Mehmed Sālim Efendi (d. 1156/1743) about Arabic language and dictionary knowledge, is critical-editioned by Assoc. Prof. Murat Sula and published within the scope of ISAM’s Late Classical Period Project.

Selāmetul insān has the characteristics of a compilation of dictionaries of different kinds classifying names according to the singular and plural structure, feminine and masculine structure, etymological structure (Arabic, non-Arabic), semantic groups (synonyms, homonyms etc.), subjects (human organs, affirmative and negative adjectives, clothe names, food and drink names, animal names, colors, geographical terms etc.) and verbs according to pattern, structure, transitivity and reflexivity.

Although this work of Mirzazāde Mehmed Sālim cannot be considered a theoretical Arabic language and grammar book, it can be considered a work of “fikhu’l luga” containing grammar and syntax subjects such as “kalb”, “ibdāl”, “terḥim”, “taṣġīr”, “naḥt”, “taṣḥīf” with examples in a practical way. The information in classical books of “fikhu’l luga” classified and organized masterfully and presented compendiously.

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Updated at March 27, 2024