
The major goal of this book is to analyze Selim III and his era from multiple perspectives on the occassion of the 200th anniversary of his death; here the transition from the ancien régime to the new order, in other words the endeavor to progress from the ancient classical system of governance to a new order, and all of the consequences are examined through original research as part of interdisciplinary studies. Not only was this a period that corresponds with several major attempts by the Ottomans to transform their social, political, martial and educational systems, but it was also an era when they experienced various fluctuating moments, passionate discussions and crucial controversies, significant progress, even impressive leaps, while there were also deep disappointments.  It must, however, be stated that certain characteristics which were observed during the process of Western modernization, such as mobilization, reasonable innovation, self-discipline and revival, could also be noticed during the attempt by the Ottomans to reform themselves in this era.

Covering the second phase of Turkish modernization, as defined by Niyazi Berkes, and growing out of several works that endeavored to analyze the phenomena of this period from the martial development to foreign relations, from artistic life to the educational system, this book attempts to make a modest contribution to the history of Turkish thought, politics and culture by focusing on the question of “Why?” rather than “What?”.


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III. Selim
Nizam-ı Cedid
Siyasi teşkilat
Updated at March 12, 2024