
İslâm Hukuk Metodolojisinde Tahsis (Daraltıcı Yorum)

The texts that describe Islam, lay down its rules, and introduce its nass are quite limited, and the relations and issues between people are unlimited. It is a tool for the limited to cover the unlimited, for the old to catch up with the new, for capturing the universal dimensions of the verses, for producing knowledge that is called ijtihad, adjudicating, discovering knowledge, and judgment. Ijtihad is built on three pillars: understanding and interpretation, qiyas, and maslaha (the principle of utility).

This book deals with takhsis, an important and comprehensive tool for understanding and interpretation. The takhsis in the meaning of "narrowing the meaning, concept and scope" plays an expanding, refreshing, and renewing role in solving problems, not narrowing them.

This study, carried out within the framework of the classical method, provides important explanations for understanding and evaluating the nass correctly, as well as separating the historical ones from the universal ones based on more robust criteria, and makes an introduction to the development that the thought of fiqh should make in this direction.

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Updated at March 11, 2024