
İmâmiyye Şîası'nın Oluşumu-Mâsum Oniki İmam İnancının Ortaya Çıkışı

To understand the framework of faith and the stages of Imamiyyah Shi’a, which has Twelve Infallibles faith and a significant position in Islamic world, is important not only to reveal its formation and institutionalization but also to comprehend history of the Islamic thought. Determination of this process significantly depends on the theory of Imamat. Because an Imamat-centered discourse is dominant in handling of the fundamentals of faith and other religious matters for the large majority of members of aforementioned madhhap in today’s Shi’ism. For this reason this work scrutinise the formation of the theory of Imamat from the first differentiations until the completion of main elements.

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Updated at March 12, 2024