
Zeydiyye-Mu‘tezile Etkileşimi: Zeyd b. Ali’den Kāsım er-Ressî’nin Ölümüne Kadar

The sectarian principles of Zaydism and Mu’tazilism sects substantially coincide. Their differentiating point is the fact that the principle of ımâmate is replaced by the principle of al-manzilah bayna al-manzilatayn. This matter is discussed by scholars like Shahrastânî, al-Hâdî b. Ibrâhîm al-Vazîr and al-Makbilî. Today, researchers like Abû Zahra, A. A. Ârif, A. Makâlah and A. S. Nashshâr hold similar views. However, these scholars rarely examine the formative period of these two sects, even if they emphasize the similarity that exists in the principles of Zaydism and Mu’tazilism. In this study the author investigates views that have been put forward in the present and the past regarding this subject, examining intellectual, political and methodical aspects of the interaction between Zaydism and Mu’tazilism in the period from Zaid Ibn Ali (122/740) to the death of al-Kâsim al-Rassî (246/860).        

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Updated at March 12, 2024