
Delil ve İstidlâlin Mantıkî Yapısı -İlk Dönem Sünni Kelâm Örneği

In works related to the history of Islamic theology (Kalam), it is claimed that there are methodological distinctions between the early and the later periods (mutaahhirun) of Islamic theology. However, was the early period of Islamic theology really different from the later one? If there was such a difference, what were the factors that made it different? What was the logical structure that sustained the early Islamic theology, which Western researchers argued that it carried the characteristics of a philosophical discourse?

Based on these questions, the present study aims to examine the rational foundations and logical structure of the study of Islamic theology. Therefore, the study of kalam has been subjected to a conceptual analysis within its own systematic and epistemological structure and its unique terminology has been tried to be clarified. 

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Updated at March 13, 2024