
Kur’an Yorumunda Şiirin Yeri (II./VIII. Asır Çerçevesinde)

The subject of this book is the role of Arabic poetry in the interpretation of the Qur’an in the second century of the Hijri when productive scientific activities were being carried out in various areas of the Islamic world. One of the focus areas of this period is the Arabic language. In the same period there was an effort to prepare dictionaries and write grammar books. Arabic linguists who worked on semantics and grammar used the method of istişhâd and also carried this over into the science of interpretation. In this book, the first samples of dirayah interpretations, which are extant today, are discussed. The Mecaz`ul-Quran by Abu Ubayda, the Meani`l-Quran by al-Hasen al-Ahfas, Abu`l-Hasan Ali b. Hamza al-Kisai and Abu Zakariyya al-Farraare introduced and evaluated in terms of the istişhad method.


Updated at March 12, 2024