
Cübbâîler’in Kelâm Sistemi

Mutazilites, one of the important schools of Islamic thought owns the honor of founding the science of Islamic theology. Mutazilite school that raised important theologians such as Abū al-Huzayl al-‘Allāf, Naẓẓām, and Mu‘ammar b. ‘Abbād since its early days stayed as the dominant school of theological thought until 4th / 10th century when Sunnite thought matured.

Two of the prominent figures raised by this school were Abū ‘Ali al-Jubbāī and his son Abū Hāshim al-Jubbāī. These two figures none of whose works survived to this day constitute a turning point in the systemization of Mutazilite thought. They systemized in a holistic structure the disconnected  and sometimes contradicting views of the former Mutazilites. In a way, they established the formal discourse of Mutazilites. This book examines their views in a comprehensive way by pointing out their disagreements.

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Updated at March 12, 2024