
Tefsirde Hâşiye Geleneği ve Şeyhzâde’nin Envârü’t-Tenzîl Hâşiyesi

Glosses over the books of exegesis occupy an important place in the literature of exegesis in terms of explaining the meaning of obscure expressions of Qur’anic exegesis, completing the missing points, criticism and correction of the errors, and consisting unique interpretations of their writers.

This book examines the works written in the form of commentaries, glosses and marginal notes on the exegesis of Qur’an in terms of their history, reasons of writing, style and scope. It also includes a comprehensive list of the works written in this field.

The book also examines in detail Ottoman scholar Şeyhzade Muhyiddin Kojawi’s Haşiye ala Envari’t-tenzil which is a prominent one among the glosses written over Qur’anic exegesis in respect to its technique and content. In this way, it is shown why and how a gloss over an exegesis is written and what kind of contributions they make in understanding the Qur’an.

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Updated at March 13, 2024