

The Umayyads, the first dynastic state in the history of Islam, was founded by Muawiya b. Abu Sufyan in Damascus and ruled for ninety years. This period has become famous with the transformation of the institution of caliphate into a kind of sultanate, the struggle with the opposition groups and the great conquests achieved abroad.

During this period, in which Istanbul was besieged several times, with the conquests won in the east and west, the borders of the Muslim state reached from Turkistan to the interior of France, from Anatolia to India, and Islam spread rapidly in this wide geography.

The period of the Umayyads, during which the studies in the field of Islamic studies intensified and consequently a movement of writing books began, also witnessed the emergence of the first political and religious sects. The foundations of Islamic art were also laid in this period.

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Abbasi İhtilali
Updated at March 12, 2024