
“Sergüzeştüm Güzel Hikâyetdür” Zaîfî’nin Sergüzeştnâme’si

This book focuses on the 16th century poet Zaīfī’s autobiographical work Sergüzeştnāme, including both critical review of the work and surveys on a number of subjects pertaining to Old Turkish Literature. In this book, Zaīfī’s Sergüzeştnāme is discussed in terms of genre, form, and content in order to avoid the traditional way of studying which focuses solely on the work and the author from a single point of view. In addition to this, the work is also discussed from the perspectives of disciplines like history and sufism. In this book, the author has attempted to answer questions like, “Is the ‘I’ in sergüzeştnames and the ‘I’ in the autobiographies the same?”

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Türk Edebiyatı
Updated at March 12, 2024