
el-Keşşâf Literatürü: Zemahşerî’nin Tefsir Klasiğinin Etki Tarihi

The period of later scholars in Qur’anic exegesis is accepted to start with Jārullah al-Zamahsharī’s al-Kashshāf. The most important reason for this is that Zamahsharī’s understanding of exegesis and method has been determinant on the later activities of Qur’anic exegesis and the later literature of Qur’anic exegesis has been mainly shaped by the influence of al-Kashshāf. Given the extent of the books of commentaries, summaries, glosses and evaluations written about al-Kashshāf along with glosses over the glosses of it and original publications about it, we face a vast literature developed around this exegesis. 

The works named in this book as Kashshāf literature constitutes the main vein of the classical exegesis tradition after Zamahsharī. 

In this book, “Kashshāf literature” is identified and introduced, and then the conceptual relations within this literature are shown through examples. In the first part of the book, a chronological list of Kashshāf literature is presented and those which have survived to this day are briefly introduced in terms of their content, method, scope, sources and effects. Within this literature review, it is shown that ascribing some works to certain individual were wrong and library records had many mistakes. As for the second part of the book, the traces of conceptual relations of the texts in this literature are followed chronologically through two examples. This book is the most comprehensive one written in the field of manuscript literature and on the conceptual relations in this literature.

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Updated at March 12, 2024