
Osmanlı Hukukuna Giriş -Klasik Dönem-

Throughout history, the Ottoman State holds a unique place among the Turkish states witnessed, not only for being the state with the broadest geography but also for having a lifespan exceeding six centuries, and for peacefully bringing together around twenty communities of different religious, sectarian, ethnic, and cultural backgrounds. The justice system it established and the law it applied, namely Ottoman law, play a significant role in this. At the core of this law, one can find the Islamic legal legacy inherited from previous Islamic states, as well as the administrative skills developed throughout history since the Huns and the traditions of Turkish statecraft.

While applying Islamic law, the Ottomans enriched it with their own interpretations, leaving us a legacy of rich court records and archival documents. This legacy is immensely valuable in revealing the humane and judicial aspects of Ottoman governance. The book in your hands tells the brief story of this richness.

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Updated at June 5, 2024