M. Âkif Aydın

Born in 1948 in Niksar, Tokat. He graduated from Istanbul Higher Islamic Institute (Marmara University Faculty of Theology [1971]) and Istanbul University Faculty of Law (1974). He completed his doctorate at Istanbul University with his thesis titled “Osmanlı Aile Hukukundaki Gelişmeler ve Hukuk-ı Âile Kararnâmesi (XIX ve XX. Asır)” (1981). He was appointed as an assistant professor at Marmara University Faculty of Law, Department of Legal History (1983). In 1987, he became an associate professor and in 1993 he became a professor. He served as the president of TDV Centre for Islamic Studies (ISAM) (2003-2014) and dean of Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Law (2011-2020). He is currently a faculty member at Istanbul Medipol University Faculty of Law.

Contributions as Consultative Committee Members
Updated at June 5, 2024