
TDV İslâm Ansiklopedisi Dinî Terimler Sözlüğü

Preparer:Ahmet Özel

The primary purpose of TDV Encyclopedia of Islam's Glossary of Religious Terms is to enable those who conduct research in fields such as history, literature, art, law, economics, politics, especially religious sciences, religious officials, high school and university teachers and students, especially Imam-Hatip schools and theology faculties, families, and people from all walks of life who want to learn about any Islamic concept to access the information they are curious about religious concepts in a concise manner.

The first and main source used in the preparation of this dictionary is the TDV Encyclopaedia of Islam (DİA), which was published in 46 volumes between 1988 and 2016. The content compiled by making use of this main work and other sources in the bibliography has been tried to be presented in a simple, comprehensible and original style as much as possible, taking into account not only the specialised but also the general reader, attention has been paid to preserving the basic information about the concepts and unnecessary details have been eliminated, special attention has been paid to establishing a connection between the articles with references, while the etymology of the term is given in detail, other meanings of the root and the connection between the dictionary and term meanings of the concept are pointed out.

When the Glossary of Religious Terms, which includes the terms of tafsir, qiraat, hadith and hadith method, fiqh and fiqh method, theology and history of sects, mysticism, ethics and siyar, is analysed as a whole, it will provide the readers with a collective and general knowledge about the source, nature, basic concepts, God, existence, creation, life, human, death and life after death; the adventure of the formation of religious, legal and political thought in Islamic history and its reflections on social life with all its diversity.

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Updated at June 6, 2024